January 2012 References   

Devin J. Starlanyl   for http://www.sover.net/~devstar

Aoki M, Sakaida Y, Tanaka K et al. 2011. Evidence for vestibular dysfunction in orthostatic hypotension. Exp Brain Res. [Dec 29 Epub ahead of print]. “Our results suggest that vestibular disorders due to the dysfunction of otolith organs provoke OH.” [Orthostatic hypotension is common in FM, as is vestibular dysfunction.  Could some of the “fibromyalgia” Oh actually be caused by co-existing vestibular disorders? DJS”


Celik D, Yeldan I. 2011. The relationship between latent trigger point and muscle strength in healthy subjects: A double-blind study.  J Back Musculoskel Rehabil. 24(4):251-256. “Latent TrPs can cause significant muscle weakness.”


Damian M, Zalpour C. 2011. Trigger point treatment with radial shock waves in musicians with nonspecific shoulder-neck pain: data from a special physio outpatient clinic for musicians. Med Probl Perform Art. 26(4):211-217. “Radial shockwave treatment plus physical therapy can bring temporary relief from shoulder and neck trigger points in professional musicians.”


Dardano A, Bazzichi L, Bombardieri S et al. 2011. Symptoms in Euthyroid Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: Is There a Role for Autoimmunity Itself? Thyroid. [Dec 22 Epub ahead of print].

“...FM comorbidity resulted in almost one third of patients (all females) suffering from HT with or without mild hypothyroidism (SCH). Moreover, the prevalence of fibromyalgia was slightly higher in euthyroid HT patients (33.3%) than in those suffering also from SCH (28.5%). In this setting, it is noteworthy that SCH patients without autoimmunity did not show any clinical symptom consistent with FM. Therefore, our data support the hypothesis that thyroid autoimmunity per se plays a role in the development of FM comorbidity, although the specific underlying mechanism is still not completely known.”      


Forman MB, Sutej PG, Jackson EK. 2011. Hypertension, tachycardia, and reversible cardiomyopathy temporally associated with milnacipran use. Tex Heart Inst J. 38(6):714-718.

“Milnacipran is a dual and equipotent inhibitor of norepinephrine and serotonin uptake. It is frequently prescribed as therapy for fibromyalgia, and the drug has a good safety profile. Herein, we report the case of a 42-year-old woman with undefined connective-tissue disease and fibromyalgia who developed a severe and reversible cardiomyopathy while taking recommended doses of milnacipran. The cardiomyopathy was associated with a hyperadrenergic state manifested by tachycardia, hypertension, and elevated plasma catecholamine levels. The discontinuation of milnacipran and the initiation of anti-failure therapy resulted in complete resolution of the cardiomyopathy in 6 months. To our knowledge, this is the first report of milnacipran as a possible cause of catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy.”


Hickey C, Thomas B. 2011. Delirium secondary to pregabalin. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. [Dec 14 Epub ahead of print]. “Fibromyalgia is a common and disabling disease, and treatment can be challenging. More recently, pregabalin has been approved to treat pain associated with fibromyalgia. ...Several case reports have documented delirium secondary to pregabalin, usually in older patients with multiple medical comorbidities and concurrent medications. We describe a case of delirium in a young patient without significant medical problems and in the absence of other potentially causal medications. In this case, pregabalin appears to be the single causal etiology for delirium. We recommend clinicians to consider the causal role it may play in any patient who presents with delirium.”


Min KB, Lee KJ, Park JB et al. 2012. Lead, Cadmium, and Balance and Vestibular Dysfunction Among Adult Participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2004. Environ Health Perspect. [Jan 3 Epub ahead of print]. “Our findings suggest that blood lead and cadmium levels may be associated with balance/vestibular dysfunction in a general sample of U.S. adults.” [Vestibular dysfunction is a common co-existing condition with FM and TrPs.  This study indicates another possible perpetuating factor. DJS]    


Pierson MJ. 2011. Changes in temporomandibular joint dysfunction symptoms following massage therapy: a case report. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork. 4(4):37-47. “Ten 45-minute massage therapy treatments were administered over a five-week period. The client's progress was monitored by an initial, midway, and final assessment, using range of motion testing, personal interview, an orthopedic test, and postural analysis.....The client participated in a home care routine consisting of stretches, self-massage, postural training, a proprioception exercise, and hydrotherapy.....Results include an increase in maximal opening from 3.1 cm to 3.8 cm, an overall increase in neck range of motion, a decrease in muscle hypertonicity using the Wendy Nickel's Scale, a decrease in pain from 7/10 to 3/10 on a numerical pain scale, and a decline in stress. [TMJD is often due to TrPs, and this combination of therapies deserves further study. DJS]


Sloan P. 2008. Review of oral oxymorphone in the management of pain. Ther Clin Manag 4(4):777-787.  Oxymorphone is available in both sustained-release and immediate release forms.  This opioid does not have an NSAID or acetaminophen included, and has been successful for relief of chronic pain.  


Sousa RF, Gazzola JM, Gananca MM et al. 2011. Correlation between the body balance and functional capacity from elderly with chronic vestibular disorders. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 77(6):791-798. [Article in English, Portuguese] “Vestibular disorders are common among the elderly, mainly resulting in dizziness and imbalance - symptoms which can impact daily routine activities.....There is a positive correlation between body balance and functional capacity in elderly patients with peripheral vestibular disorders, that is: the better the balance, the better the individual's functional capacity. In addition, a worse functional capacity increases the individual's risk of falling.” [Vestibular dysfunction is also common in FM patients, and must be considered.  DJS]


Uludag M, Kaparov A, Sari H et al. 2011. Osteopoikilosis associated with fibromyalgia and active myofascial trigger point in upper trapezius muscles. J Back Musculoskel Rehabil.  24(4):257-261. “The sclerosing bone dysplasia known as osteopoikilosis can be associated with fibromyalgia and trigger points.” [This is another case of interactive diagnoses. DJS]


Yunus MB. 2012. The prevalence of fibromyalgia in other chronic pain conditions. Pain Res Treat. 2012:584573. “An important recent recognition is an increased prevalence of FMS in other chronic pain conditions with structural pathology; for example, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, diabetes mellitus, and inflammatory bowel disease. Diagnosis and proper management of FMS among these diseases are of crucial importance so that unwarranted use of such medications as corticosteroids can be avoided, since FMS often occurs when RA or SLE is relatively mild.”

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