~To The Point ~

Newsletter of the National Association of 

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists

May-June 2019 Newsletter

Join us for the 35th Annual NAMTPT Conference! -


TO JUNE 25th!!


"Understanding Current Pain Science and Application of Innovative Manual Therapy Techniques"

Thursday, September 12 to Sunday, September 15

Conference will be held at:

Hilton Washington Dulles Airport Hotel

13869 Park Center Rd, Herndon, Virginia 20171

Phone: 703-478-2900

Presented by the National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists in Partnership with Myopain Seminars, LLC

Speakers include Jan Dommerholt, PT; Renee Hartz,MD; Rob Stanborough, PT; Robert Gerwin,MD; Saleet Jafri,PhD; Mary Biancalana, CMTPT; Julie Zuleger,PhD; Mary Larson,CMTPT; Celisa Ellis, and many more!  For full agenda, see:


REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!  To register for the Early Bird Rate, see:


1st-time attendees: get $75 discount with the code "2019discount75"


Message from the President

          These are truly exciting times to be in the business of manual therapy for pain relief.  Medical practitioners and patients alike are searching intensely for well-trained therapists to help them and their patients get highly-skilled treatment for their pain.  Myofascial trigger point therapists are in higher demand every day!  We who practice myofascial trigger point therapy know how important it is to not only learn the essential basics of therapy protocol, but we also know how crucial it is to keep informed on the most up-to-date and cutting edge research and treatment techniques. 

          This year's convention in Washington DC from September 12-15th holds great promise for those lucky and smart enough to attend.  Mary Biancalana has put together another amazing and comprehensive program for us all, ranging from world-renowned speakers on the latest research and theraputic techniques available for myofascial trigger point therapy to date. All attendees, including LMTs, MTPTs, MDs, DOs, DCs, PTs, DDSs, and ATCs  will emerge from the experience with 20 NCBTMB-approved CEUs for a low price - especially if you take advantage of the Early Bird Discount, now extended until June 25th (see links above). 

          Working together with Myopain Seminars, there will be an unparalleled opportunity for multidisciplinary networking and education.  Space at the Hilton will go quickly, so don't wait - register today to secure your place with us.   I am very much looking forward to seeing you all there!

~ Kate Simmons


Membership 'Minders

By Mary Jo Smiley, CMTPT; NAMTPT Membership Chair

Greetings and welcome to spring! As the summer returns our payment system is going through a change in mid June. We are switching from PayPal to AffinityPay that will work better with the back office system we we use. If you would like to use PayPal to pay for the conference you will have to do so before we do the switch. Even more incentive to get the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT - now extended to JUNE 25th! This will also go for membership renewals. All of the auto renewals that have been going through with PayPal will be closed. After that you will be paying with the AffinityPay instead and there should be a seamless auto renew with that instead if you’d like.

From what I had read, other people that use Wild Apricot as their back-office of their organization’s website they are not having any trouble or complaints with this new payment system and it is just as safe as PayPal. You still will still have the option to pay with a check of course if you would like. There is still the option of paying with the Square Market and there is a page and a link to that in the membership area of the website. Please note that if you use Square that you absolutely MUST contact (text 724-494-1468) me so that I do not miss your payment because it has to be manually accepted. With a check or Square we also have to manually go in to the website and accept the payment and renew your membership or make note that the payment for your conference has been made. I am hoping that the switch ever to Affinity pay is easy and seamless so that our members and conference attendees have no problems with it. The process should be similar to the way PayPal works but actually I have not used it yet.

Also as a reminder, the CBMTPT has not always been sending out notices alerting people when they are due to renew their Board Certification. I notice that a good many members are due in June and July each year, myself included. Please check your expiration date with this linkhttp://www.cbmtpt.org/CBMTPT_Cert.aspx or on your certification now so you have time to collect your CE paperwork and pay the renewal fee. Everyone must have 100 CE each 5 year period to renew the Board Certification and fill out the form and pay before the expiration date.


~ Connective Issues ~
by Stew Wild, LMT, CNMT, CMTPT
Owner @ Myopain Solutions
Instructor @ Myopain Seminars

Pressing Matters, Part 2

In Part 1 I discussed the various lengths of time and depths of pressure that practitioners applied on their victims (sorry, patients). I would love to feel your preferred techniques at our next conference in Heston, VA in September. This followup article is written to explore palpation terminology, communication and rapport that can be mutually agreed upon that is helpful to paint a picture the patient can understand.

When you ask your client ‘how does this feel’ when you’re pressing on their tissue the most common answer they give is the word ‘tight’. Right? Where did they get this word? In my mind tightness is a measured thing. Shortened range of motion = tight. I play a game whereby they have to come up with another word. What other words can we use, both for us and them to describe the tissue we’re dealing with and the changes we are attempting to make?

The soft tissue that we are working on is a combination of skin, fascia, muscle protein, neurons, blood vessels and fluid etc. The most abundant muscle protein is titin. We feel a lot of titin. This muscle tissue may be traumatized, inflamed, fibrotic, contracted, stiff, taut (stretched long – like a guitar string), spastic, inhibited, and boggy (a Leon Chaitow favourite). It may be resistant to shear forces in certain directions. Texture-wise it might be ropey, stringy, fasciculated, resistant, homogenous, or uneven. In the case of myofascial trigger points there may be discrete nodules found within taut bands, as opposed to lypomas and lymph nodes. Focal points may be warmer or cooler than surrounding tissue.

Chaitow loved to use the word ‘induration’, meaning hardness when describing dense tissue. It never really caught on. In Europe they may use ‘gelosis’ or ‘myogelosis’. Many of us may describe ‘fibrosis’, but I think this should be reserved for excess collagen deposition. An better alternative to fibrosis could be ‘densification’ or ‘congestion’.

Back in the day I was taught to differentiate between a ‘gel’ state and a ‘sol’ state. Therapists had to change the gel to sol; hard to soft, using direct pressure, stretch, heat, vibration etc. Officially this reduction in viscosity is called ‘thixotropy’ (think of a vigorous shake of the ketchup bottle with the lid on so as to get the last drop out). The outcomes, although still unproven, may be increased perfusion, and improved blood flow and tissue nutrition. We are turning a stagnant swamp turning into a babbling brook.

When a patient asks you what you are feeling you should communicate something as quickly and accurately as you can to show knowledge, and gain trust and rapport. Come up with your own list of descriptors as medically accurate as you can. You can also turn it around. What do they feel? Successful treatment requires a two-way relationship. Their own words may be on the affective side; sore, tender, deep, burning, local, spreading, dense, but discourage the word ‘tight’.

At the end of a treatment I like to describe the changes I’ve made in the tissue. These may include improvement in ROM, temperature change, and especially the reduction in muscle tone. This, I may describe as an increase in the ‘wobble’ factor, found by repeatedly stroking or flicking the tissue, as in playing a guitar. It’s an easier word for the patient to understand than changes in thixotropy.

Ciao for now,



                                   ~ Tools Of the Trade ~

Richard Finn, CMTPT

There are a number of things that we need to run a practice. We need expensive things like adjustable tables, computers, smart phones, and especially - gadgets! I’ve talked about many aids that I use to help me and which I hope might help you. Now I’m going to talk about something that I marketing person might describe as “cost effective.” I just call it cheap. My other descriptors are effective and essential.

The prerequisite of effective treatment, in my opinion and experience, is calming or down regulating the nervous system. There are a number of modalities that can be used to accomplish this. I use a little piece of nonslip rubber like material called Dycem™. Did I mention it’s cheap?

Here are some steps:

1. The way to use this is to locate a tender area. I often use the skin overlying a TrP. This will often involve asking the patient to tell you when they are feeling tender. This is most effective when the patient is actively involved. Press into the skin gently in an area and ask them to let you know when they feel the discomfort.

2. Lighten your pressure until it is no longer uncomfortable but stay right on the spot.

3. Lay your Dycem™ some distance away. When treating the lumbar region I often treat in supine. My upper cephalad hand is the palpating /monitoring hand. I palpate the skin overlying the parapinals. My second hand goes to the patella. I distract the patella caudally with a slight twist in either direction until I can barely sense the movement under my fingers. I then hold it for about 2-4 minutes.

4. Release the second hand gently and press deeper with the first hand. The discomfort has almost entirely decreased. It’s time to look for another spot or to treat the desensitized TrP.

The reason for the effectiveness is the activation of ruffini and merkle nerve endings in the skin. The stretch of the skin between the two hands stimulates stretch activated ion channels that actually cross dematomes to send non-threatening proprioceptive information to the brain. Due to the non threatening nature and perhaps client expectation the brain often chooses to down regulate the output of pain. I see this in the decrease of pain that is reported as well as in the changes of ROM and even holding patterns in the body.

This approach is often called Dermoneuromodulation. It was developed by Diane Jacobs, a PT. You can learn more about it at www.dermoneuromadulation.com. There are links to classes, videos, and an extensive bibliography. The author is a trigger point skeptic and no fan of what we do. She is also very good at what she does and is worth learning from.

Here is a link to purchase the Dycem™:


I hope you will give this a try. Feel free to call with any questions. I’d love to help!

~ Richard Finn

Image result for richard finn cmtpt

From The Archives: Janet Travell, MD

JANET G. TRAVELL, M.D. - A Daughter's Recollection

by Janet Travell's Daughter, Virginia Street

(published in 2003 by the Journal of the Texas Heart Institute, Houston, TX, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 8)


From 1936 to 1945 my mother "served as assistant, then associate, visiting cardiologist at Sea View Hospital in Staten Island, and, under a fellowship grant from the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, she studied arterial disease at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City from 1939 to 1941. There she became absorbed in the study of new pain-relieving techniques." (2) Later, she joined the staff of the hospital "and, at the time of her White House appointment, was an associate physician in Beth Israel's cardiovascular research unit. . . . After working as a cardiologist, with particular emphasis upon chest pain, she moved into the field of orthopedic medicine, where she specialized in the relief of musculoskeletal pain." (2)

My mother wrote in her autobiography that "the Cardiac Consultation Service at Sea View, the city hospital for tuberculosis on Staten Island to which I was appointed in 1936, supplied the conditions that crystallized my emerging interest in muscular pain. Most patients there had life-threatening pulmonary disease, but some of them complained more about devasting pain in their shoulders and arms than about their major illness. When I examined them by systematic palpation of the scapula and chest muscles, I easily uncovered the presence of trigger areas." (1) It was during this time that Janet came across an article in the British Medical Journal titled, "A Preliminary Account of Referred Pains Arising From Muscle," (3) which strongly influenced her thinking.

Unknown to Janet Travell, she was 1 of 3 clinicians - the others were Michael Gutstein (later known as Gutstein-Good and then as Good) (4) in Germany and Michael Kelly (5) in Australia - working "on three separate continents [who] simultaneously and independently published a series of papers in English" (6) about myofascial pain. They all emphasized "four cardinal features [of the condition]: a palpable nodular or band-like hardness in the muscle, a highly localized spot of extreme tenderness in the band, reproduction of the patient's distant pain complaint by digital pressure on that spot [referred pain], and relief of the pain by massage or injection of the tender spot. Each author reported pain syndromes of specific muscles throughout the body in large numbers of patients. All three had identified myofascial TrPs [trigger points]. However, each had used different diagnostic terms," (6) and was apparently unaware of the others: "the commonality of their observations passed unnoticed for decades. . . . Of those three pioneers, only Travell's influence withstood the test of time." (6)

When my mother began the practice of medicine from her father's offices in the 1930s, she was able to observe him with his patients. In the 1920s, Willard Travell had acquired a "Toepler-Holtz static machine that was employed then to treat painful conditions of the muscles, nerves, and joints." (1) In 1941, father and daughter wrote a scientific paper together, "Modifications and Effects of the Static Surge of the Static Wire-Brush Discharge." (7) Willard Travell's unique methods of relieving pain became the impetus behind my mother's search for effective clinical methods to treat and manage the myofascial pain syndrome. A few years later, my grandfather "dismantled his static machines when newer methods of treatment became preferable." (1)

When my mother herself began to suffer from shoulder and arm pain, my grandfather used the new procedure that his daughter had been exploring - injection into muscles - "to rid [her] of [her] own pain." (1) In 1942, Janet Travell, Seymour H. Rinzler, and Myron Herman published, "Pain and Disability of the Shoulder and Arm: Treatment by Intramuscular Infiltration with Procaine Hydrochloride." (8) Ten years later, she and her Dr. Rinzler "reported the pain patterns of TrPs in 32 skeletal muscles, as 'The Myofascial Genesis of Pain,' (9) which quickly became the classic source of this information." (6)

In August 1944, my parents, my sister, and I moved from Manhattan to the small commuter town of Pelham, New York. My grandfather had married again. His 2nd wife was a widow and close family friend, Edith Talcott Bates. (Janet Travell's stepbrother was then Talcott Bates, later Talcott Bates, M.D., who published 2 papers on myofascial pain (10) (11)). The 2 Drs. Travell, Willard and Janet, continued to practice medicine at 9 West 16th Street.

I first met Senator John F. Kennedy in front of 9 West 16th Street in the summer of 1955 or 1956. My husband and I had arrived there by car just as Kennedy finished a medical treatment with my mother and they walked outside together. In her autobiography, Janet described how the Senator, who was on crutches when he first came to see her as a patient in May 1955, could barely navigate the 3 or 4 steps down from the curb to the front door, below street level. By the time that I met him, he was no longer on crutches. After we had chatted for a minute or two (he always asked when we were going to our summer home "in Western Massachusetts"), Senator Kennedy stepped forward and signaled to his driver to pick him up. I still remember how he looked, a tall, thin man with an intense, friendly, and energetic manner and thick brown hair.

Senator Kennedy received so much relief of pain from my mother's medical treatments that he had "new hope for a life free from crutches if not from backache," wrote his friend and Special Counsel, Ted Sorensen, in his book, KENNEDY. (12) The Senator told my mother that he was not going to change doctors. (1) She became "the first woman ever to hold the post" of White House physician "and the first civilian to do so since the administration of Warren G. Harding. . . . Kennedy described her 'as a medical genius.'" (2) To show his appreciation for her efforts on his behalf, Kennedy gave her a framed color photograph of himself which hung in my mother's White House Office during her years there. At the bottom of the picture, the President had written in his scrawling hand, "For Dr. Travell - Who made the smile possible - With affectionate regards, John Kennedy."


1. Travell J. Office hours: day and night. The autobiography of Janet Travell, M.D. New York: World Publishing Co.; 1968.

2. Current biography yearbook 1961. New York: HW Wilson Company; 1961. pp. 37 - 8.

3. Kellgren, J H. A preliminary account of referred pains arising from muscle. Br Med J 1938; 1:325 - 7.

4. Gutstein, M. Diagnosis and treatment of muscular rheumatism. Br J Phys Med 1938;1:302 - 321.

5. Kelly, M. The treatment of fibrositis and allied disorders by local anesthesia. Med J Aust 1941;1:294 - 8.

6. Simons D G, Travell JG, Simons LS. Travell and Simons' Myofascial pain and dysfunction. The trigger point manual, upper half of body. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1999.

7. Travell W, Travell J. Modification and effects of the static surge of the static wire-brush discharge. Arch Phys Ther 1941;22:486 - 9.

8. Travell J, Rinzler S, Herman M. Pain and disability of the shoulder and arm: treatment by intramuscular infiltration with procaine hydrochloride. J Am Med Assoc 1942;120:417 - 22.

9. Travell J, Rinzler SH. The myofascial genesis of pain. Postgrad Med 1952;11:425 - 34.

10. Bates T. Myofascial Pain. In: Green M, Haggerty RJ, eds. Ambulatory pediatrics II: Personal health care of children in the office. WB Saunders: Philadelphia; 1977. p. 147 - 8.

11. Bates T, Grunwaldt E. Myofascial pain in childhood. J Pediatr 1958;53:198 - 209.

12. Sorensen TC. Kennedy. New York: Harper & Row; 1965. p. 40.

( to be continued in the next newsletter ... )

For the complete article, please see:

